Protection for your technology

Protection for your technology

While it’s great that the weather is finally warming, that brings with it spring thundershowers, summer thunderstorms and heat waves. And all that reminds us of the power and environment issues we see with computer gear every spring and through the summer.

Electronic gear depends on clean, reliable power and a temperature and humidity controlled environment. Nothing good happens when a computer loses power unexpectedly, or “bakes” in a room that’s too warm.

To protect critical network servers, that might mean a specially air-conditioned room with dedicated power – or it may just mean that your server isn’t sitting in an unventilated closet, plugged directly in to the wall. Yes, we do see that. Too often.

The requirements for PC’s aren’t as great, but they should be in places where the ventilating fans inside can do their job, plugged into a good surge suppressor, or ideally, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Remember that if your server stays up in a black-out, but your PC’s crash because they’re not on battery (UPS), you can still lose or corrupt server data.

Ensuring that your IT equipment has quality power is one of the easiest and most cost effective things you can to ensure the health of your computer gear -- and its data. If you need help evaluating your power and environment conditions, contact us, we’re here to help.

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