IT Security Policies you need to implement

Most business owners have an employee handbook. But when it comes to the online security of their business, often times this portion is either not adequately addressed, or not addressed at all. However, with cyber crimes an ever increasing threat, and the fact that employee error is one of the most common causes of a […]

BCP strategies to keep your business open

Whether your business is hit with a brief power outage or an extreme weather disaster, any kind of interruption to your organization’s productivity can cut into your profits. That’s why it is important to have a business continuity plan and utilize BC tools to ensure your organization can stay in operation at all times. Here […]

Ready or not, Windows 10 is coming… a PC near you. Microsoft recently upgraded the priority of their free Windows 10 upgrade from “optional” to “recommended”. What that means is that millions of PC users relying on Microsoft’s built-in Windows Update function to download and install “recommended” upgrades automatically will soon be receiving Windows 10, whether they planned for it, or wanted it, or not.

Productivity tips for Mac’s El Capitan

Computers have enabled us to become more productive than ever. With last years’ release of Mac’s OS El Capitan, there are a number of productivity tools that many people may be completely unaware of. Today, we’re going to share with you some of those tools, in hopes that you and your entire staff will be […]

Chrome for iPhone just got better

With over a billion people using Chrome across the globe, it is safe to say that Google’s flagship browser is the most popular one in the world. And that is why it’s easy to understand why so many Chrome users are frustrated by its constant crashes and unreliability for the iPhone. But there’s good news. […]

The Importance of Disaster Recovery

Most business owners don’t normally think they will be a victim of a natural disaster…not until an unforeseen crisis happens and their company ends up suffering from thousands or millions of dollars in economic and operational losses — all because of the lack of thoughtful disaster preparedness. This post gives small or mid-sized businesses (SMBs) […]

Security tips for the small business

It’s been said so many times that many small business owners are likely to block it out, but the truth remains: cyber criminals target SMBs. Perhaps the reason for this ignorance is that when an SMB falls victim to an online attack, it’s not breaking news. But this time, in a recent NY Times article, […]

Business intelligence made easy

When you think business intelligence, you likely think about charts and graphs that reveal valuable data about your customers, profits, and operations. While these may be simple enough for some to understand, what if you could simplify your data even more? A new innovation in the business intelligence world may have just made this a […]

Rethinking the value of social media

A lot of businesses are still mystified as how to measure just what kind of value they are truly getting from social media. Because it is a medium that is still evolving, it can be hard to understand just what works and what doesn’t when it comes to social media and measuring its value. In […]

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