Data Backup and Recovery for Toledo Businesses

Don't let a disaster put you out of business

Every small business owner knows the importance of their business data. What many don't realize is that, while the chances of a major disaster are quite remote, the majority of data loss is the result of small localized problems. Could your business weather a major equipment failure caused by a tree falling through the roof, a lightning strike, or even theft?

According to the US Bureau of Labor, 93 percent of companies that suffer a significant data loss are out of business within five years.

At last . . . there's a tapeless, touchless, off-site, professionally monitored server backup and disaster recovery system for your business. CDS's "IT Vigilance BDR" program has you covered with:

  • Fast recovery for files and email and other critical data, from backups taken hourly (not daily, like our competitors' programs)
  • Backups restored to "bare metal" without reinstalling server operating system or programs
  • Virtualization of failed servers, decreasing downtime from days to hours
  • Minimum of 30 GB of automatic, secure, encrypted offsite storage
  • Unlimited additional off-site storage available at a fraction of the cost of many remote storage programs
  • Built-in archiving to rid yourself of costly tapes, offsite storage facilities, and downtime waiting on restores
  • 24x7x365 monitoring and management ensuring data integrity
  • A real business continuity plan
  • No more worries about old, unreliable tapes that fail to restore when you need them to

CDS combines planning, prevention, and protection to make sure your business thrives no matter what comes your way. Let us help you protect your company against the disasters that can literally put you out of business.

Don’t be a statistic.

Set up a productive, efficient, and secure remote team that can help you run your business anywhere. Download our free eBook today to learn how!Download here